The past few days, I've been focusing on meditating (again) using crystals, mainly amethyst. I've written before how I've had interesting encounters on this plane involving entities while using amethyst and other stones during meditative states.
I've also written about how, while I've had numerous UFO sightings -- and other paranormal or anomalous experiences -- I've never seen an alien/entity. That's not entirely true; as a child, I had experiences with entities. None of them looked quitelike the ubiquitous gray alien that's become the cultural symbol of ET.
Here's an experience I had years ago while using crystals:
I was in a semi-trance meditative state. Awake, but very much in a light trance. I like to work with crystals and stones -- on this night, I was using a copper wand with a purple fluorite crystal at one end. Suddenly, I was aware of three grays that had come through the bedroom window. They were there, all right, but, like much of this weird realm of aliens and UFOs, if someone had walked into the room, they would not have seen the grays. I had an immediate negative reaction against them -- I did not want them here! I focused my energy and intent into the wand, and they were kept from going further into the room. They were "stuck" and very, very angry. They did not like this at all. Finally, the left, extremely pissed. [Regan Lee; Post Menopause and the Abductors](About the above experience: A friend invited me to a meeting of like minded psychics that same night I had the visitation but I didn't go. Later, after I told my friend about my experience, she told me that the woman leading the group told her: "You have a friend who was to be here tonight, but right now, she is encountering entities on the astral.")
Last night, I was meditating on my third eye, and the color and energy of amethyst. I had two amethyst clusters by my bedside, where I was sitting. I was not asleep, but very relaxed.
Behind my eyes, the usual swirls and shapes danced, but nothing specific. I wasn't trying for anything at all. Just concentrating on breathing, and amethyst energy/color. Abruptly, this came shooting by:
And I said to myself, in a reflexive reaction "Oh no." They turned to look at me as they went past. They seemed as surprised to see me as I was to see them. It was as if we met on the astral plane.
They were really there. It was a specific, graphic moment. Vividand real. I felt a little nervous; this 'sighting ' jolted me out of my mild trance.
The drawing seems a bit cartoonish, but that's what the little aliens (or whatever they are) looked like. They sure as hell didn't feelcartoon like. It wasn't a malevolent feeling, but not warm and fuzzy either.
I find using crystals very easy and comfortable, as well as responsive. Otherwise I wouldn't incorporate them into my practices. There's a lot of lore as well as metaphysical qualities surrounding amethyst; here's one aspect of the crystal:
In today’s world, Amethyst is still a remarkable stone of spirituality and contentment, known for its metaphysical abilities to still the mind and inspire an enhanced meditative state. Its inherent high frequency purifies the aura of any negative energy or attachments, and creates a protective shield of Light around the body, allowing one to remain clear and centered while opening to spiritual direction. Amethyst stimulates the Third Eye, Crown and Etheric Chakras enhancing cognitive perception as well as accelerating the development of intuitive and psychic ability. [Crystal Vaults.com]
When it comes to UFO and related encounters of what we often call ET or aliens, there are many paths to explore and many ways to access information. Some researchers are impatient with the metaphysical side of UFO thought, but for some of us, it is the way it seems to work. It feels true, it feels comfortable, things happen. This is why we need use many different approaches to figuring this thing out.
Related links:
On my blog Saucer Sightings:
Silver Suited Aliens
My Not So Invisible Aliens
Night Visitor: A Painting of a Childhood Memory
Green Warty Visitations
The Open Ceiling and The Eagle
Astral Realm Memory