Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Reindeer Bells

There are a few UFO or paranormal related experiences in my life that I haven't shared public, for a variety of reasons. Mainly, they're -- more correctly, I'm -- too embarrassed to acknowledge. Some are very personal and "embarrassing" or maybe intimate is a better word, others are almost goofy in my perceived embarrassment. And sometimes the event is something I'm not sure what to do with, regardless of embarrassment factor.

Last night, in bed, I was thinking about something that happened to me when I was a kid. I always thought it was too silly-goofy to really think about it, but it always troubled me. I must have been about five, because that's how old I was when we lived in that particular house.  The memory:

I'm in my bed, nighttime.  (This is the same bedroom where I had my "cylinder alien heater" episodes.) Suddenly I hear the bells -- jingle bells! Santa's bells! He's here! I run, very excited, to the window, and look outside. I can clearly hear the bells; sweet, tinkling, jingling bells right above me, on the roof. I stick my head out the window, trying to look up to the roof to get a glimpse of Santa and the reindeer. Nothing. But those bells! They are calling me! I'm very happy and in a waiting mode -- I know "they" (he? it? Santa?) are/is here. I just have to be patient.

Now, I've never related this story because it seems like a typical little girls innocent anticipation of Santa and Christmas magic. I have always been a little embarrassed , as an adult, that this memory has always been so damn vivid. It was real!  I wasn't dreaming, I didn't just think it happened, it did happen! So, I just put this memory into that gray basket.

But last night, with a jolt of awareness, I realized that this event didn't happen during Christmas time!  Adding to the strangeness: in the memory, I am on the second floor. I remember distinctly the night sky and the brilliant blue stars, so close I could easily touch them.  Only, we didn't have a second floor.

That familiar nudging voice appeared, that told me, with a soft little kick, that this was a cover memory, and Santa had nothing to do with the memory. Those bells were not the bells on reindeer harnesses, but something else entirely.

The memory, the feeling of this memory, has always been on the same level, the same emotional tone, as the ones involving waiting for my "invisible" little friends -- the ones who would carry me out through walls and doors and into the large tree, where I'd look up at those stars, into the rich velvet blue night, to wait . . .

Friday, October 5, 2012

A recurring dream I had as a young child. Timeframe 1959, early 1960s. Los Angeles, California.  I had lots of dreams connected to alien, non-human beings, which included being floated out through walls and doors and placed in a large tree at night. There I'd sit/wait/watch the starry night sky...

One recurring dream motif I remember has me standing outside, at night, on our block. Usually at the corner (near that large tree, that was easily three or four stories tall) which was at the corner. The tree belonged to our neighbor; we were the second house down from the corner. Waiting, outside, at night, sometimes I was with others, usually children. And up in the sky, not much higher than that tree, came the "ship." Sometimes it was a giant basket, like the ones seen with hot air balloons. But no giant balloon; just the basket and something above that, like a dome thing, some kind of machine. Other times, instead of a basket, it was an over sized bathtub. Inside the baskets, or bathtubs, were one or two people, adults, in uniforms.

I had this dream many times. Always the same: at night, alone or sometimes with others, mainly children, in front of, or near, our house. Waiting. Waiting for what I thought of as my friends -- these people in uniforms, in their floating bathtubs or baskets, were always pleased to see us. They took us away on purpose. This was a regular thing.

What that purpose was, I have no idea. That I don't remember. 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Parallels: 1977 Wales Humanoid and 1959 Patio Alien

 Albert S Rosales posted this historical item of a UFO/alien/entity encounter on his Facebook page:

Albert S Rosales
Location. Near Dale Pembrokeshire Wales
Date: April 24 1977 Time: 01:00 a.m.
Mrs Pauline Coombs, 31, and her husband Billy, 36, were watching the television at their Ripperston farm when they saw at a window a silver suited figure.
One thing that struck me as interesting about this is the similarity to what I saw when I was a child. A few years ago I drew a little picture of the being:

"Patio Alien, Los Angeles California, 1959?" illustration by Regan Lee
 While there are dis-similarities:  height, and location, among others, the visual similarities are strong. (silver suit, helmet, humanoid). My creature was small, about four feet, and, while the Coombs saw their creature in 1977, in Wales, I saw mine in Los Angeles in approximately 1958 or 1959.

I'm not suggesting they are the same or even related but the visual imagery struck me when I saw Albert's post.  Click here for more from Albert Rosales on this case.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Friday, February 24, 2012

Entering the Orb: Dream of... the Orb!

Category: Dream
Location: Eugene, Oregon
Date: Feb. 24th, 2012

Just a fragment, a bare memory, but with such intensity! Last night a dream, and something about "the orb."
I was telling someone in the dream about the orb that I saw, and as I was telling her (I seem to remember it was a "her") the image of the orb in the night sky was present. I told her that the orb was a three dimensional sphere, and an actual craft/machine, intelligently controlled. Whether or not that intelligent control came from the orb itself, or was being remotely controlled, I couldn't tell. The orb, I went on to describe, was it from within. And in the dream, a new detail: I was describing the color. Orange, amber-orange (not brown amber, but...) and in the middle, a more yellow orange. All still orange. The middle lighter possibly because of the location; that's where the energy or source of it all, the engine or who knows, was emanating from.

Then the person I was speaking with told me all about her orb sighting. Pretty much sharing the same details in every way. As if we were in a hyper telepathic communication with each other; knowing what the other would say about the orb's color.
That's it. That's all I remember of the dream; don't know if there was more prior or after that "dream scene" but what I do remember was so damn vivid and held an importance of emotion to it, as dreams do.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Entering the Orb: Location Connection Dream

 Category: Dream
Location: Eugene, OR

I had the following dream last night; I'm leaving out one detail because it was about a public figure's death. (Said person is, as far as I know, very much alive.)
 I drive out to the coast, but it wasn't a place I'd been to before.  Like most dreams, this location is all mixed up. Part coast, (50 miles west) but part  south of me towards the small town of Cottage Grove, a straight shot down 1-5 from Eugene. About 25 min. away. (Cottage Grove is said to be haunted in a lot  of ways: UFOs, strange things, and in fact, I've always felt uneasy and, well, "haunted" whenever out there. That includes the outlying areas like Dorena Lake.)

I arrive at my destination. Jim is with me. We're all about UFOs,  Mothman, ghosts... lots of talk about that with others who are researchers and witnesses.  The woods are all around us. It turns into night.  I become very  nervous because I have to drive back to Eugene  but don't like to  drive at night, especially on a road I'm not used to. Jim seems to have  disappeared around this time; for some reason, I have to drive back alone.  Several of the people here accuse me of being a big  chicken and not serious about UFOs because I want to wait until morning to  drive back.  I try to make them aware that driving at night, in the dark without lights and on an unfamiliar road in an unfamiliar town is irresponsible.
It wasn't until I started writing this, sharing it with others (because of the person dying, mainly) that I realized with a jolt the Cottage Grove-orb-missing time  connection. Jim and I were coming back from Cottage Grove, at night, decades ago, when we had our orange orb sighting and missing time, dreams of being paralyzed by beams of light, etc.

Was the dream a bit of memory, a nudging from the subconscious?